
In addition to its scientific goals, a key aspect of JH-TIE is bringing together diverse disciplines, with their distinct tools, methods, and expertise, to advance immunology and its clinical applications. Our novel techniques continue to develop in response to the distinct needs of our collaborators. While the tools we develop are finely tuned to achieve specific results, they are also adjustable for different but related circumstances, JH-TIE’s collaborative projects drive our TR&D research programs and are a diverse set of collaborations spread across the US on both coasts, Ohio, and Indiana. Service project partners include both academic and biotech companies, such as NexImmune, Sanofi, and GSK.

Collaborative and Service Projects

Our collaborative projects help to development individual TR&D projects, while service projects provide mature technology and materials to investigators.


The tools JH-TIE develops advance cellular engineering technologies that modulate the immune system with broad applications to human health. 

External Partners

We collaborate with partners at Johns Hopkins University and Medicine and beyond. Together, we hope to make advances that lead directly to new treatments and enhance the efficacy of existing and emerging therapeutics.