
Our rapidly increasing understanding of the power of immune effectors, combined with development of advanced genomic tools, has generated the new field of immunoengineering, with a promise to revolutionize treatments for infectious disease, autoimmune disorders, and cancer. However, application of these breakthroughs has been stymied by remaining knowledge gaps, inefficiencies, and operational barriers between immunologists, engineers, and other partners who could collaborate and innovate.

The Johns Hopkins Translational ImmunoEngineering (JH-TIE) NCBIB serves as a thought leader, technical platform developer, and collaborative hub for immunoengineering research. Our goal is to interface with bioengineers, immunologists, material scientists, and biomedical researchers, engaging in new collaborations, providing training for graduate and post-graduate investigators, and maximizing the potential of immunoengineering and cell therapies.

About Us

We’re focused on the development of tools and methods for the advancement of immunoengineering.


Meet our team of bioengineers, immunologists, material scientists, and bioscientists.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the JH-TIE team for more information about our TR&D research projects, collaborative and service projects, tools, resources, publications, training initiatives, resources, media inquiries, to collaborate, and more.