People Categories: Former Faculty

Jonathan Powell


Jonathan Powell is a recognized leader in the emerging field of immunometabolic engineering and organized the immunometabolism keystone meeting in February 2016. He has written numerous reviews published in high- profile journals and pivotal translational articles in the NEJM and JAMA. Dr. Powell teaches an SITC course in Adaptive Immunity for clinicians and industry in basic immunology so that they can better understand immune- oncology. Powell also...

Robert Leone, M.D.


In addition to canonical activation and cytokine signaling, immune cell phenotype and function are exquisitely tuned to nutrient and metabolic conditions. In this regard, our previous work revealed that glutamine antagonism could markedly condition the differentiation of effector CD8 T cells, enhancing long-lived, memory-like phenotypes and improving intra-tumoral survival and proliferative capacity in mouse tumor models (Leone, et al., Science,...

Jennifer Elisseeff


Dr. Elisseeff is a world-renowned leader in biomaterials and regenerative medicine. She is the Founding Director of the Translational Tissue Engineering Center at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Elisseeff runs the cell and tissue engineering program in Biomedical Engineering, including educational, training, and career development emphases. Dr. Elisseeff serves as the Director of the 250-member Cell & Tissue Engineering Focus Area within the...